With the Optimas Kerb-screed, you quickly and easily prepare the concrete bed for kerbs.
By using our back support formwork, the back support is created very quickly and easily.
Concrete back support for kerbs can be created in a highly efficient way. Unique with regard to savings in time und material.
For screeding the concrete bed for the gutter stones quickly and with millimetre accuracy.
Part of the Optimas - ridge support formwork and the Optimas - concrete leveling system.
For creation of foundations for kerb and gutter stones with enormous savings in material and time.
Technical changes reserved!
Pulled over kerb and formwork for preparing the foundation for gutter stones.
Dimensions: 302 x 87 x 50 cm) Loading capacity: max. 100 m Formwork profile and 40 pcs. Formwork profile girder